jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Spy Kids (2001)

Title: Spy Kids
Year: 2001
Director: Robert Rodríguez
Starring: Carla Gugino, Antonio Banderas

When movie action turns to the fictional city of San Diablo, you can tell it is Santiago de Chile in reality. You can clearly see the San Cristobal hill:

When camera zooms in, you can see the Entel tower, La Moneda Palace...

... and the Plaza de la Ciudadanía:

Next action moves to a ship flying over a desert. According to IMDB this is Atacama desert next to the Andes mountains, although it could be any desert with mountains on the horizon...

Finally, action takes place at a city next to the sea. In reality this is Viña del Mar, you can clearly see the Wulff castle at the La Marina avenue:

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